Sunday, September 21, 2008

The developmemt pf Project Management in China

As in other parts of the world, project management is no longer limited to construction but has been adopted in most economic sectors in China. To a certain extent, credit for this belongs to the World Bank. The World Bank offered a number of training programmes in Beijing, Dalian and Shanghai, aimed at improving the project management capability of China.In July 1994, IBRD made an IDF (Institutional Development Facility) grant in an amount of US$478,000 to China for the development of project management training
capability, and the establishment of an institutional framework for such training. China contributed 33 percent of the total cost of US$757,650.
Immediately after the training programme a training network was formed with five major universities in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Xi'an, aiming at training project managers and specialists throughout the country on a regular basis. The Project Management Center of Tsinghua University (expanded as the Institute for International Engineering Project Management of Tsinghua University in April 2000) is currently leading the network. The network has since then organised many training
programmes on project management.

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